Completion of “Premium Denim” wood sculpture

Art, Sculpture

Elfman_Premium Denim

My recently completed wood sculpture, “Premium Denim.” You’ve got to have a sense of humor to do this sort of sculpture…really.  I made this one so it can hang on the wall, or place on top of a table. Original work carved in solid wood with acrylic paint and ink pen.

Completion of “Don’t Say Half Empty!”

Art, Sculpture

Elfman_Don't Say Half Empty Elfman_Don't Say Half Empty (back)

Just finished my latest solid-wood sculpture, “Don’t Say Half Empty!” This piece sort of piggy-backs on the thought process of an earlier work of mine, in which I experimented with the illusion of transparency in wood sculpture (“Jif and Jello”).  In this newest piece, I depicted a half-full bottle of wine wrapped in a “plastic” shopping bag.  Carved entirely in wood, with acrylic paint, ink pen, and pencil.

Completion of “Rachel’s Yard Sale Find”

Art, Sculpture

Elfman_Rachel's Yardsale Find Elfman_Rachel's Yardsale Find view3

Just completed my latest wood sculpture, “Rachel’s Yard Sale Find.”  My daughter loves hitting the yard sales, so this fact was my inspiration for this piece. There are two books, a sneaker coin bank, and a clam shell trinket box, all stuffed inside a “cardboard” box.  BTW, these are all objects she really owns, that I replicated in wood. Original work carved entirely in wood and painted in acrylics and ink pen.

Completion of my latest sculpture “Candle”

Art, Sculpture

Elfman_CandleElfman_Candle book detail

This is my humble artistic tribute to the eternally lovely Marilyn Monroe. Her imaginary biography is balanced on top of her personalized ’62 license plate. A few things are alluded to in the sculpture:  Chanel Number 5 refers to her answer to the question “What do you wear to bed at night?”  Candle refers to the Elton John song which pays tribute to her. Aunt Ana Press is an imaginary publisher named after Marilyn’s real-life beloved aunt. The 1962 registration sticker refers to the year this lady sadly became a “candle in the wind.” This piece is included in my “books balancing on license plate” series (I know it’s crazy, but in your art you try to do something different, right?).  Carved entirely in wood with acrylic paint and ink pen.



Progress on latest sculpture “Candle”

Art, Sculpture

I’ve reached the mid-point in completing my latest sculpture “Candle.” It is meant to celebrate the life and legend of a beloved entertainer, and will be added to my “license plate” series of works. I finished the license plate, and right now I’m completing the wooden book. After that, the endless painting. I’ve looked for ways to expedite the completion of this sort of sculpture, but it still takes at least a week to complete.  I wonder if anyone can guess who is the subject of “Candle”?